Why our beef?
The beef from us is grass fed for its entire life and they never eat grain, soy, supplements or anything non-native to the farm. They are raised in a pasture and rotated to new grass daily. You cannot buy this kind of beef in any store no matter how it’s marketed or labeled.
Also be aware that many farmers sell their beef as grass finished and that can mean that the last 4 months of the animals life they ate grass but before that they ate grain. Feel free to shop around as you will find it cheaper than what I charge, but be sure to compare beef to beef. If you find a better price be sure to ask the farmer:
Is this animal completely grass fed from weaning to slaughter?
Were they ever on grain?
Were they raised in a pasture or a lot/pen?
Were they rotated through the pasture?
Can I come see the farm?
Good, natural food, raised in a sustainable way with the health of the animal in mind isn’t expensive, it’s priceless. With that said please ask questions before sending money. Of course I want to "make the sale" but I also have a strong desire to educate as many people as possible about sustainable agriculture. It is overwhelming to spend hundreds of dollars on a product and process you don't really understand. I am here to explain all the terminology and answer any questions you have. I have failed to make the sale many times, but the better payoff was spending time educating people. I am here for you. Call me.
Now you may go to the sale page...